Monday, March 9, 2015

Stay on Target...Stay on Target

Yes…for all you Star Wars fans…the title of this blog is a reference from the movie! These encouraging words helped Luke Skywalker to stay focused on his mission: to drop a bomb into the belly of the Death Star and destroy it, stopping the evil plot of the Empire.

Our mission is quite different in many regards, but the focus we need to stay on target is just as pronounced as it was that day for a young Skywalker. Most people generally feel that the condition of the world is not getting any better and that conditions are actually worsening each year. I would agree. For Christians especially, recent months have recorded stories of Christian persecution that feel more like pages ripped out of the book of Exodus than modern-day news reports.

A Christian couple beaten to death and then burned in a kiln…more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria…a mother forced to give birth in chains in Sudan…the mass exodus (millions) of families forced from their homes in Syria, driven out by the brutality of ISIS…the violence and cruelty seem to know no bounds.

If we don’t understand it, we are certainly starting to feel it, even as we are “safe” in our nice homes here in the US. The news reports are getting closer and closer to home each day. Christ will be the only solid rock that will supply us with hope in trying times. Mark 13:31 says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

We live in a lost and dying world!!! And, we possess the only cure…the hope of the gospel!!! It is too precious a gift to hold for ourselves…we must share it! Focus now…let’s stay on target!

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