Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Confessing Christ

God’s plans to save mankind from their sins includes the confession that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. The lost in the world identify us as followers of Christ not only by the fruit of our lives, but also by the repeated confession of our mouth the Jesus is our Lord.

In Jesus’ day, people were not sure He was the Messiah. This is why Jesus asked His disciples, “who do men say that I am?” (Matt 16:13-19). The disciples’ answers proved there was great confusion then concerning who Jesus was. Likewise, there is great confusion today about who Jesus is.

Some people today say Jesus was a great leader and teacher. Some say following Jesus is one of many ways to get to heaven. Some say Jesus was a fake and a phony--just a man. Some say He was a prophet, like Moses, or Muhammad, or Joseph Smith. Why is there so much confusion still today concerning who Jesus is??? How do we help clear up the confusion?

The answer to these questions is the same as it was the day Jesus asked His disciples to identify who He was. Peter said it right that day, and He kept on saying it boldly and courageously with his life and his words, every day. And, Peter and the disciples did it in a place and a time that was oppositional to the truth that Jesus is truly the King!

So how do we respond? How do we answer? We MUST do likewise. We must be Peter, James, and John to our generation. A person cannot become a Christian unless he/she confesses that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God (Rom 10:9-10). One day, everyone will confess Christ (Rom 14:11-12; Phil 2:9-11), but if people wait till that day it will be too late. There is an urgency here we must not ignore. We must lay aside our fears, open our mouths, and confess Christ. We must be His witnesses…for lives are on the line…eternity is at stake!

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