Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pray for VBS!

How can you pray for VBS? Let’s count some of the ways:

Pray that kids would be open to hear from God and make decisions to follow Christ. There will be kids in attendance that will be hearing the gospel for the first time.

Pray that the relationships between volunteers and kids would overflow into relationships with parents and families of the community. We desire to develop long term relationships and reach these families for Christ.

Pray for leaders at VBS. Pray that God would use them as these VBS kids will look to them specifically as role models.

Pray for the VBS director and the Children’s Team. They have already put in tons of work and many are fatigued from the preparation. Pray the LORD gives them strength to finish strong.

Pray for safety. We desire a safe environment for the kids and for our workers.

Pray against the devil who would seek to distract us from our mission, especially during this highly evangelistic week of VBS.

YES! Pray for VBS! And, if you are available to help, join our team today! You will be truly blessed!

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