Monday, June 8, 2015

Oh No! They Need VBS Peeps!

I don’t have much space to warn you but I want you to be aware of the danger going on right now. As I write this zigzag scissors are cutting, glue sticks are sticking, and paint & glitter are being applied to posters & styrofoam decorations. It’s VBS season y’all! Watch out!

How can you avoid getting sucked into the VBS vortex? Try this:

1. If someone with paint on their clothes or glitter in their hair approaches you, do not make eye contact. Look the other way!

2. If someone asks you what you are doing this summer be sure to have a good answer…something like “I’m terribly busy” will do!

3. Prep your spouse for the danger as well. Too many unsuspecting people have fallen into the VBS pit simply by being volunteered in absentia. “Thanks darling!”

I could continue but I think you get the point. So…save yourself! Save yourself! It is TOO LATE for me. I’ve already been recruited. I’m on the team…but there is still time for you to run the other way! Don’t look back…hurry! Aggghhhhhhhh!

Okay, church. That was my attempt at satire. Remember I’ve never claimed to be funny or a good joke teller…but I do try! VBS, for me, is the greatest week of the year for our church! If you can’t help we really do understand. Life is hard and busy. But for the lucky ones who get to help…wow…what a blessing! Go VBS! Join the team! [this post inspired by Jon Acuff] 

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