Monday, June 29, 2015

God & Country Day

It’s always tempting, for us all, to complain about the downward moral spiral we see in our American culture today. Instead, let’s take time to remember why America is still a fantastic nation to live:

We could have an oppressive government that denies religious freedom…but we are free.

We could have a state run church system where there is only one church and you are required to attend…but we are free.

We could have a system that forces us underground to worship as we desire…but we are free.

We could have a government that imprisons our pastors and outspoken leaders…but we are free.

We could have a system where our children are told lies about God and told He cannot answer prayers nor meet their needs…but we are free.

We could have a nation where being a Christian is a crime punishable by torture or prison…but we are free.

It is certainly by the grace of God that America, our great nation, is here today. It is by the grace of God that she will continue to be a beacon of hope and freedom in a world full of false and dangerous ideologies. Though many Americans do not exercise their right to assemble and worship freely as they should, we still have that right. We are free. Praise the Lord for His goodness!


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thank You Jerry & Melody McCurdy

Do you know how rare it is for a pastor to serve 15+ years in one church during his career? Lifeway Researchers recently put out the most up to date data on pastoral tenure and the average tenure today is 3.6 years.

Why so short? The answers vary from church to church and pastor to pastor but I firmly believe we pastors cannot fully form an opportunity to minister well to our community until:

1.      We are planted firmly in the congregation and community.
2.      The congregation or community plant us within them/it.

And, when you survey ministers who successfully serve their church for 10+ years you find some common characteristics, such as:

1.       They pray daily for their members and fellow church staff.
2.       They view their family as their first and most important ministry.
3.       They connect with and love the people in their church.
4.       They choose their battles carefully and wisely.
5.       They expect conflict and criticism and they love people through it.
6.       They connect with other pastors in the community for friendship, support, and unity.
7.       They work hard and serve well.

We say thank you to Jerry & Melody for serving Shadycrest so well for 15 years. You set a great example for us all. And, we look forward to celebrating your anniversary next week on Sunday, June 28th. Everyone, let’s make every effort to be here (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pray for VBS!

How can you pray for VBS? Let’s count some of the ways:

Pray that kids would be open to hear from God and make decisions to follow Christ. There will be kids in attendance that will be hearing the gospel for the first time.

Pray that the relationships between volunteers and kids would overflow into relationships with parents and families of the community. We desire to develop long term relationships and reach these families for Christ.

Pray for leaders at VBS. Pray that God would use them as these VBS kids will look to them specifically as role models.

Pray for the VBS director and the Children’s Team. They have already put in tons of work and many are fatigued from the preparation. Pray the LORD gives them strength to finish strong.

Pray for safety. We desire a safe environment for the kids and for our workers.

Pray against the devil who would seek to distract us from our mission, especially during this highly evangelistic week of VBS.

YES! Pray for VBS! And, if you are available to help, join our team today! You will be truly blessed!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Oh No! They Need VBS Peeps!

I don’t have much space to warn you but I want you to be aware of the danger going on right now. As I write this zigzag scissors are cutting, glue sticks are sticking, and paint & glitter are being applied to posters & styrofoam decorations. It’s VBS season y’all! Watch out!

How can you avoid getting sucked into the VBS vortex? Try this:

1. If someone with paint on their clothes or glitter in their hair approaches you, do not make eye contact. Look the other way!

2. If someone asks you what you are doing this summer be sure to have a good answer…something like “I’m terribly busy” will do!

3. Prep your spouse for the danger as well. Too many unsuspecting people have fallen into the VBS pit simply by being volunteered in absentia. “Thanks darling!”

I could continue but I think you get the point. So…save yourself! Save yourself! It is TOO LATE for me. I’ve already been recruited. I’m on the team…but there is still time for you to run the other way! Don’t look back…hurry! Aggghhhhhhhh!

Okay, church. That was my attempt at satire. Remember I’ve never claimed to be funny or a good joke teller…but I do try! VBS, for me, is the greatest week of the year for our church! If you can’t help we really do understand. Life is hard and busy. But for the lucky ones who get to help…wow…what a blessing! Go VBS! Join the team! [this post inspired by Jon Acuff] 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Bulletin Updates & Records

I am a member of Shadycrest Baptist Church. I happen to be the called Pastor as well, but like you, I am a member. As a member I take great pride in our church family and I want to see the health and success of our church. That is why I do the following:
  • ·         Volunteer where I can
  • ·         Give sacrificially to the church to help meet her needs
  • ·         Pray for the church family
  • ·         Lead my family to be healthy church members
  • ·         Seek to be a unifying member
  • ·         Treasure my membership here

And, as a member, when I see some things changing I frequently ask, “why are we doing that?” or “why are we doing it that way?” Those are perfectly good questions, especially when asked with sincerity and with a gentle spirit.

Therefore, when the proposal to change our bulletin was put forth I asked, “why would we do that?” The answer is at least 3-fold: 1) It saves a lot of money to print them “in house,” 2) The bulletin shells we were purchasing were constantly causing our printer to break down, causing work delays during the week, and 3) The smaller format is easier to manage, to store, to carry, and fits in your bible/purse.

But…It creates a communication challenge that will take some time for us all to fully embrace. With less room to work with I ask for your understanding. We will be: 1) prioritizing written announcements each week, and 2) including “The Record Speaks” in the bulletin once per month (1st Sunday of the Month).

The Record Speaks is also posted weekly in the church office hallway and is available to you weekly via email at your request. Use a connection card to request this service or simply email Vicki at