Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Power of Prayer

Abraham Lincoln is not alone in rising to greatness through a life of prayer. In the Bible, from the very beginning, we see this pattern. In the book we are currently studying, Joshua, we see a man who learned the power of prayer during his time as an aide to Moses. Prayer set Joshua apart from the rest of Israel. When Moses climbed Mt. Sinai to receive the Commandments from God, Joshua remained nearby on the mountainside…praying!

The strength of man alone does not accomplish the purposes that God has in mind for His people. It is only when we humble ourselves before Him in confession, supplication, worship and thanksgiving that he moves in us and through us to accomplish His will.

Jesus tells us, “when you pray, go into your room…close the door…and pray to your Father…then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you” (Matt 6:6).

The public success of Lincoln and Joshua came not from their might, but from their private humility before Almighty God. They found victory when they fought on their knees.

Join me, in the month of August, in a greater commitment to a life under-girded by prayer. Let’s daily learn to fight on our knees for the lost and the needy in our community. Let’s daily learn to fight on our knees for the strength and the unity of our church. Let’s daily learn to fight on our knees against an enemy, the devil, who works tirelessly to thwart our plans, weaken our resolve, and break apart our relationships. Let’s break through together. Let’s see revival before this year is done! (more details forthcoming; expect great things)

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