Monday, July 27, 2015


Dwight L Moody was the Billy Graham of the 19th Century. He was an international celebrity. He was a shoe salesman in Chicago when a Sunday School teacher walked into the shoe shop and led Dwight L. Moody to Christ and he became a Christian. He figured he ought to apply to become a church member, because that’s what you do when you become a Christian he thought. He applied but he was turned down. One of the men who interviewed him for church membership wrote these words. “I can truly say that I have seen few persons whose minds were spiritually darker than was Mr. Moody’s when he came into my Sunday School class. I think that the committee of the church had seldom met an applicant for membership who seemed more unlikely ever to become a Christian of clear and decided views of the gospel truth.” That’s what they wrote about him when he applied for church membership. They said, “Hey you’re too dense you’re too dark and there is no change in your life.” A year later he applied again and they said, “You’re still as dark and dense as you ever were, but at least we think you are sincere so come on and you can join our church.” God used Dwight L. Moody to shake up two continents for Jesus Christ. Today there is the Moody Press, the Moody Broadcasting Network, the Moody Institute and the Moody Bible Church.

Maybe you feel unusable or too dense to be of any good to God or His Church. Don’t believe it! God has a place for you! Let us help you find that place! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Power of Prayer

Abraham Lincoln is not alone in rising to greatness through a life of prayer. In the Bible, from the very beginning, we see this pattern. In the book we are currently studying, Joshua, we see a man who learned the power of prayer during his time as an aide to Moses. Prayer set Joshua apart from the rest of Israel. When Moses climbed Mt. Sinai to receive the Commandments from God, Joshua remained nearby on the mountainside…praying!

The strength of man alone does not accomplish the purposes that God has in mind for His people. It is only when we humble ourselves before Him in confession, supplication, worship and thanksgiving that he moves in us and through us to accomplish His will.

Jesus tells us, “when you pray, go into your room…close the door…and pray to your Father…then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you” (Matt 6:6).

The public success of Lincoln and Joshua came not from their might, but from their private humility before Almighty God. They found victory when they fought on their knees.

Join me, in the month of August, in a greater commitment to a life under-girded by prayer. Let’s daily learn to fight on our knees for the lost and the needy in our community. Let’s daily learn to fight on our knees for the strength and the unity of our church. Let’s daily learn to fight on our knees against an enemy, the devil, who works tirelessly to thwart our plans, weaken our resolve, and break apart our relationships. Let’s break through together. Let’s see revival before this year is done! (more details forthcoming; expect great things)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Youth Ministry in 2015 and Beyond

Evangelist Rick Gage said this past year in an interview, "It breaks my heart that fewer than 10 percent of American young people are involved in a Bible-believing church." He continued saying, "So many churches have lost their passion for souls. The need to reach the lost has never been greater."

I wholeheartedly agree with Rick and I will, as long as I have breath in my body, continue to proclaim the foundational importance of staying focused on missions and outreach as individuals and as a church family. We can do that by:

1. Continually reminding ourselves of our mission to “make disciples”
2. Continually refine/reform our evangelism practices/processes
3. Continually be champions for personal evangelism, outreach events, mission trips, and the starting of new churches
4. Pray for opportunities to personally witness to the lost in our community
5. Passionately celebrate each conversion and each baptism

Now, not only do we want to see as many young people saved as we can, we also want to see them discipled. God has given us, the church, a job (the Great Commission), and that job is winning people to Jesus. As many evangelists of old have fervently repeated, “God has no hands but our hands; God has no feet but our feet; God has no tongue but our tongue to share the good news.”

Youth Ministry has always been a challenge, and it will continue to be challenging. 85% of conversions to the Christian faith occur before the age of 18. Let’s reach them together! Pray for our youth! Pray for our youth leaders!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I will be at the Power Plus Youth Camp this whole week with about 30 of our wonderful youth and courageous youth sponsors! I’m excited! I’m praying the LORD moves powerful upon us and sets all of our hearts on fire for His purposes, for His mission. I’m praying we all walk away fully realizing life isn’t about glory or pleasure for me, but instead glory and honor to Jesus! Pray with me! Pray for them! May the glory of the LORD fall on them all this week!

My experiences at Youth Camp as a teenager were tremendous and God changed my life each and every time. At camp I dedicated an entire week to seeking after Him earnestly. Youth Camp gives kids this opportunity, and if they take it seriously, they will never be the same. Why was it so powerful for me and life changing? Here is what I believe:

1. Teenagers are tired of playing religious games. They want it to be real or they want to walk away from it to find something that is real. They have an incredible need to be led, to be challenged, and to see for themselves the love and power of God. That was me years ago too, and it is the same for today’s teens as well.

2.  The principle of “seeking God earnestly” (Jeremiah 29:13) is never more intense for them than at Youth Camp. We live such busy lives that on an average day most Christians simply give God their leftover time…not quality time. There is no power there. But the power of God falls on us when we seek Him earnestly, and that takes time. Youth Camp provides that time. I still remember those moments when I heard from God and felt His presence at Youth Camp! It was just “wow!”