Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Core Value 1 -- Biblical Truth

I work with a 1st grader every week as a mentor. My time supports him emotionally, provides a male role model for him, helps motivate him at school, and supports the school’s goal of producing literate and successful students.

Illiteracy is a crippling curse in any circumstance, but biblical illiteracy today is a chronic problem, even within the church…and it is unacceptable.

Why is biblical illiteracy such a big problem? Do I really need to study the Bible?

To truly understand the dilemma you must first get over your own pride. We think we know a lot, but we don’t, and as people who are easily deceived living in a world of counterfeits and lies, knowing biblical truth is of great importance.

Biblical truth contains the Word of God. This truth has come to us from God the Father, through the Son of God, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Due to its trustworthy source it is the complete and final authority for belief and behavior.

Thus, our desire should be more than studying the truth; yes, we should also let the truth study us. These are the very Words of God to us. They are alive and powerful (Heb 4:12). They are life changing (John 14:6-9; 8:32). We need to live lives that are laid bare by the truth of God about our lives. We need our relationship with God to be centered around the Truth (Jesus Christ—John 14:6-9), and the freedom that is only found in Christ. 

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