Thursday, December 17, 2015

Celebrating My Friend: Kenny Cuccia

Today I wish to celebrate a good friend, Kenny Cuccia. In fact he is a good life long friend. I’m blessed to have many friends. Serving in churches for the past 23 years has allowed me to spend time getting to know and love 1000’s of great people, and many are still folks I am able to stay in touch with from time to time (thanks facebook). Most of these friendships, however, lasted just for a certain season of life.  On the other hand, my friendship with Kenny has stood the test of time, moves, and life changes.

With my recent job loss and subsequent job search, Kenny has reached out to me and offered great encouragement. He has also signed me on as a consultant for Ambit Energy and has done all the work helping me to make some quick commissions, which have been of great help this month especially.

Good friends are of great value, and Kenny has been a good friend to me since I was a 6th grader. We attended church together at Sawdust Road Baptist Church in Spring, TX. We started a bible study together on Saturday nights while we were in HS. We went to college together at Dallas Baptist University, and he even did me the honor of standing in as the best man at my wedding. Since then we’ve communicated mostly over the phone and email (which works because we are guys and guys are low maintenance…right!?!!), but it is a great joy when I get to meet up with him in person.

I’m proud to be his friend; his life long friend. One way I’d like to celebrate him is to refer him to you if you are looking for a great rate on a new energy plan for your home. Ambit offers great rates for new customers and Kenny can help you there. Also, if you would like to start a business from home, maybe Ambit is a great option for you like it has been for Kenny. So, if you are interested just follow the links I’ve provided here and check it all out for yourself. And, thanks Kenny…you’re a great friend!

Check Out Energy Rates From Ambit Energy:

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