Monday, March 23, 2015

What if we disappeared?

The Great Commandment to love God and love people is a powerful and foundational statement from Jesus. 

If the people of God faithfully obey this Great Commandment the unchurched in our communities will take notice. Loving God with ALL our heart, and loving others as profoundly as we love ourselves…yes…that makes a powerful statement in a community.

Church congregations see themselves as placed by God into particular communities. Our Pearland churches worship together, learn and serve together, and try to teach others to be more like Jesus. But, what if we disappeared? What if Shadycrest disappeared?

If we disappeared, would our community miss us? If we disappeared, would our community grieve? Would they feel a deep loss? These are good and profound questions to ask. The Great Commandment from our Lord Jesus Christ, upon which “all of the Law and the Prophets hangs,” compels us to ask such questions.

I wish to challenge you this week to pray about loving your neighbors. I want to challenge us all to dig deep and evaluate where we are with this profound command to love our neighbors. I want to continually challenge us to identify those in our personal sphere of influence whom God is inviting us to reach. Truly, we might be the only Jesus some will ever meet. God is moving!
Will you let Him move in you?

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